Tuesday 11 June 2013

Samsara (2011)

Simply gorgeous piece of work. Well crafted and the effort is just tremendous.

Those who love photography would call this a Masterpiece, undoubtedly. Rich in colors. The landscapes, Views, People, Cities, Deserts, everything have been captured in a talented manner with patience.

Samsara becomes unique not because of it's non -narrative Documentary style but because of the spell it casts on you to bind yourself with it's majestic visuals.

Moonrise Kingdom(2012)

A pretty sweet movie which came out in 2012. Definitely this doesn't fall under mediocre movies. A well crafted comedy with a smooth story. This movie is a joyful ride with few emotional moments and beautiful scenes including meadows, nice beaches, woods.

Acting of the entire cast is natural and specially the acts of the small guys were really admirable. Let us forget about the popular faces like Edward Norton, Bruce Willis, Tilda Swinton for a moment, the main two characters Sam (Jared Gilman) and Suzy (Kara Hayward) stole the show in my opinion. They've got a good amount of screen time and their story unfolded very nicely.
I should point out that the background music/OST was really impressive and ideal, which added more beauty.
A much better love story than Twilight in many ways if you ask me.